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You have the opportunity to take your exam during the TYPO3 Developer Days in Karlsruhe 2019! Become a

  • TYPO3 CMS Certified Editor (TCCE) or
  • TYPO3 CMS Certified Integrator (TCCI) or
  • TYPO3 CMS…
01.08.2019 17:00 - 18:30 T20 + T21: sitegeist media solutions GmbH
Discussion Pro / Detailed Certification Pro

For the last several years we've been working on various TYPO3 projects. During that time we've gained some experience in setting up backend users fitting to their needs. 
In this talk we would like…

01.08.2019 13:30 - 14:15 T20 + T21: sitegeist media solutions GmbH
Talk Starter / Overview Talk Beginner

Which way to choose when starting with an Extension? Pull in an external Framework, use Extbase or just work on plain PHP?

The goal of this session is to help developers and team managers to take…

01.08.2019 13:30 - 14:15 T04 + T05:
Talk Starter / Overview Talk Beginner

In order to create secure web applications it is important to know how attacks work and which techniques have to be considered. During this talk some of the recent TYPO3 security fixes will be…

01.08.2019 14:30 - 15:15 T04 + T05:
Talk Advanced / Basic knowledge Talk Advanced

Headless CMS is one of the trending topics of the last few years. In this session we aim to provide an introduction to the topic as well as an overview of use cases - and when you don't need it.


01.08.2019 14:30 - 15:15 T03: Browserwerk GmbH
Talk Pro / Detailed Talk Pro

Every release has some big features which get all the attention they deserve. Just like the previous years we're going to take a look at some of the smaller features. One of them might be the thing…

01.08.2019 16:00 - 16:45 T03: Browserwerk GmbH
Talk Advanced / Basic knowledge Talk Advanced

A short introduction into using PHPUnit for automated testing. 
The talk would cover the very minimum stuff to lower the barrier to get started with first tests. 
The presentation was and will already…

01.08.2019 13:30 - 14:15 T03: Browserwerk GmbH
Talk Starter / Overview Talk Beginner

When it comes to rendering content, TYPO3 is extremely flexible. You have to search a long time for a system that offers something comparable. With TypoScript and Fluid, we have endless possibilities…

01.08.2019 16:00 - 16:45 T04 + T05:
Talk Advanced / Basic knowledge Talk Advanced



In the Install Tool you can find Upgrade Wizards that help with the migration of data between TYPO3 versions. Extensions can add custom wizards. In this session we will build such an Upgrade Wizard. 

02.08.2019 16:45 - 17:30 T04 + T05:
Tutorial Advanced / Basic knowledge Talk Advanced

I start with an empty folder and end with a TYPO3 project using a Git repository, ddev for local development and GitLab for building and deploying on a remote server. During this talk I'll create a…

02.08.2019 09:00 - 09:45 T20 + T21: sitegeist media solutions GmbH
Tutorial Advanced / Basic knowledge Talk Advanced

Do you think documentation is important for TYPO3? Do you want to help 
in improving it? 
Come to this session. 
This is a brainstorming session. Active participation is expected. 
– Together we can…

02.08.2019 15:45 - 16:30 T03: Browserwerk GmbH
Tutorial Starter / Overview Talk Beginner

Hey TYPO3 Folks, 
I'm eager to meet you all at T3DD19. I would feel glad to share some of 
the pro TYPO3 solutions - that would help to continuously improve your 
TYPO3 project's quality and…

02.08.2019 11:15 - 12:00 T04 + T05:
Talk Advanced / Basic knowledge Talk Advanced

The Extbase MVC framework has been actively used in the TYPO3 world for almost ten years. Shifting from individual applications to a streamlined framework providing routing, object-relational mapping,…

02.08.2019 10:00 - 10:45 T04 + T05:
Talk Advanced / Basic knowledge Talk Advanced

Every developer has made the experience that new changes to a project end up breaking existing code. In a worst-case scenario, these new errors sneak into the production system unnoticed. 
In order to…

02.08.2019 15:45 - 16:30 T04 + T05:
Talk Advanced / Basic knowledge Talk Advanced

The Session cover the following ways to contribute to TYPO3 Documentation:

1. Via Browser using an GitHub account.
2. Via local editing, by cloning a repository, applying changes and
creating a Pull…

02.08.2019 13:30 - 14:15 T03: Browserwerk GmbH
Tutorial Starter / Overview Talk Beginner

A year ago I was introduced to TYPO3 CMS. Now I’ve joined the TYPO3 community, worked on writing a guide to TYPO3, and built It’s been an interesting technical journey! I will share my…

02.08.2019 13:30 - 14:15 T04 + T05:
Talk Starter / Overview Talk Beginner

Before Blackfire there was XHProf, and other tools to identify the bottlenecks why your PHP application or TYPO3 extensions are slow. Blackfire does that for you - and saves a lot of time, and can be…

02.08.2019 13:30 - 14:15 T20 + T21: sitegeist media solutions GmbH
Workshop Pro / Detailed Talk Pro

This talk will cover a variety of topics concerning SEO ranging from "How does google work" to "white hat and black hat SEO". Additionally, you may learn a thing or two about your role as a developer…

02.08.2019 09:00 - 09:45 T04 + T05:
Talk Starter / Overview Talk Beginner

This talk is about demonstrating ways on how to utilise NGINX in combination with TYPO3, showing good practice, using different backends, proxy features, caching and failover options and possibilities…

02.08.2019 10:00 - 10:45 T03: Browserwerk GmbH
Talk Advanced / Basic knowledge Talk Advanced

Do you remember when you first started working with TYPO3? I started a year ago as a newcomer from the Drupal community. It’s been my pleasure and honor to explore a new CMS and especially a new open…

02.08.2019 14:30 - 15:15 T04 + T05:
Talk Starter / Overview Talk Beginner

This session is about what has been happening with TYPO3 documentation and what we plan to do next.
You may have read about the move to the new documentation infrastructure. You may have seen, that…

02.08.2019 11:15 - 12:00 T03: Browserwerk GmbH
Talk Starter / Overview Talk Beginner

Ever wondered how designers think? Ever wondered why they keep nagging about certain things while at the same time are pretty immune to super interesting technical stuff? This talk discusses the most…

02.08.2019 11:15 - 12:00 T20 + T21: sitegeist media solutions GmbH
Talk Starter / Overview Talk Beginner



The .infrastructure team of went from two greybeards in the machine room to a full blown DevOps team. Turning classical shared webhosting into a versatile platform for web developers. This…

03.08.2019 14:00 - 14:45 T04 + T05:
Talk Starter / Overview Talk Beginner

In the biggest challenges of business, being able to make educated decisions in a fast manner is essential. When used for events like planning and scheduling or even fraud detection, AI provides…

03.08.2019 16:15 - 17:00 T04 + T05:
Talk Starter / Overview Talk Beginner

What happens, if you change your design-workflow after more than 10 years from one project to another? Combining the approaches of Atomic Design (Bread Forst) and Agile Team Management can be a real…

03.08.2019 14:00 - 14:45 T03: Browserwerk GmbH
Talk Advanced / Basic knowledge Talk Beginner

Bennie and Mathias will host a session with other core developers, where you can bring you dedicated technical questions. Along with other core developers they try to target the problem and tell the…

03.08.2019 11:15 - 12:00 T20 + T21: sitegeist media solutions GmbH
Workshop Advanced / Basic knowledge Workshop Advanced

DDEV-Local is a great developer tool: You can spin up a site on any operating system with basically no background or experience, and have a TYPO3 site running in just a few minutes. But it can do…

03.08.2019 10:00 - 10:45 T03: Browserwerk GmbH
Talk Advanced / Basic knowledge Talk Advanced

This talk aims at presenting useful patterns and methods that are rarely used in TYPO3 extensions, but can greatly improve 
the software design and make the code more long-lasting and easier to…

03.08.2019 11:15 - 12:00 T04 + T05:
Talk Advanced / Basic knowledge Talk Advanced

Hey TYPO3 Folks, 
I'm eager to meet you all at T3DD19. I would feel glad to share some of 
the pro TYPO3 solutions - that would help to continuously improve your 
TYPO3 project's quality and…

03.08.2019 12:15 - 13:00 T04 + T05:
Talk Advanced / Basic knowledge Talk Advanced

In my daily life as a TYPO3 developer many requirements repeat themselves. For some of them there are already wonderful extensions found in the TER (i.e. powermail, news, tt_address, solr, ...) or…

03.08.2019 11:15 - 12:00 T03: Browserwerk GmbH
Talk Starter / Overview Talk Beginner

About a year ago, sitegeist released a community extension that makes it possible to create encapsulated components with Fluid. Since then, thinking in components became an integral part of how the…

03.08.2019 10:00 - 10:45 T04 + T05:
Talk Advanced / Basic knowledge Talk Advanced

In this hands-on workshops, you'll learn 

  • why automated tests are a good thing
  • how to write your first unit test with PHPUnit
  • what "test-driven development""(TDD, "test first") means and how to…
03.08.2019 15:00 - 15:45 T03: Browserwerk GmbH
Workshop Starter / Overview Workshop Beginner

How often does a Developer get to the point where the site is too slow, and the fault is often custom build extensions with expensive operations going on. Utilising the TYPO3 Caching framework seems…

03.08.2019 14:00 - 14:45 T20 + T21: sitegeist media solutions GmbH
Workshop Advanced / Basic knowledge Workshop Advanced

As developers we are constantly, either conscious or by chance making decisions that shape the lives of people around us and all across the globe. We can‘t always guarantee, that these impacts have a…

03.08.2019 12:15 - 13:00 T03: Browserwerk GmbH
Talk Starter / Overview Talk Beginner

Hey there, 
CAUTION: It will not be any debate to decide which CMS is the best. After all, CMS' are friends who are helping to make a better world with a great philosophy of OpenSource. 
What's Goal? 

03.08.2019 17:15 - 18:00 T04 + T05:
Talk Advanced / Basic knowledge Talk Advanced

TYPO3 keeps track of breaking changes and deprecations in RST documents since version 7. Based on these documents, we can make la list of 'matchers'. With the help of a PHP parser, which converts…

03.08.2019 16:15 - 17:00 T03: Browserwerk GmbH
Talk Starter / Overview Talk Beginner

From the point of view of a website operator: 
One year after the GDPR came into force, did anything happen? 
What interests the data protection authorities? 
The fact is that a website is an…

03.08.2019 15:00 - 15:45 T04 + T05:
Talk Starter / Overview Talk Beginner



In this talk, we will explore a variety of technical measures to make a web project more robust and resilient, to cope 
with the increased complexity and longer lifecycle of solutions developed…

04.08.2019 10:00 - 10:45 T04 + T05:
Talk Advanced / Basic knowledge Talk Advanced

One of TYPO3's power comes via its extensibility. However, it has been hard to understand where hooks are available and how to use them. TYPO3 Project Lead Benni Mack was involved in creating a new…

04.08.2019 11:15 - 12:00 T04 + T05:
Talk Pro / Detailed Talk Pro

Kubernetes is a powerful tool that drastically changes the deployment and hosting options for our web projects. Kubernetes is also the most active open source project on GitHub and introduces an…

04.08.2019 11:15 - 12:00 T03: Browserwerk GmbH
Talk Starter / Overview Talk Beginner

I presented at a new possible API how to create nice mails with TYPO3. This talk is kind of talk + discussion as I would like to get more feedback…

04.08.2019 10:00 - 10:45 T03: Browserwerk GmbH
Talk Advanced / Basic knowledge Talk Advanced

This workshop aims to teach about basic web application vulnerabilities (OWASP TOP-10), how to find them and how build secure applications. 

  • OWASP TOP-10 (basics, PHP focus, TYPO3 focus)
  • CTF &…
04.08.2019 10:00 - 10:45 T20 + T21: sitegeist media solutions GmbH
Workshop Starter / Overview Workshop Beginner

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Bitmotion GmbH

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Lanyard Sponsors


Value Sponsors

Michiel Roos

Room Sponsors

sitegeist media solutions GmbH

Browserwerk GmbH

Core Team Sponsors

NITSAN Technologies Pvt. Ltd.

sitegeist agile transformation GmbH

Medienagenten Stange & Ziegler OHG

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internezzo ag

Die Netzmacher

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Pagemachine AG

Video Sponsor

Oliver Thiele