Frequently asked questions
Here we try to write all questions we get more often to help you to plan your trip.
Sure, during the evening there are people sitting on the outside. We'll try to remind the attendees to behave respectfully, but we cannot ensure whether they do so. If you need to go to bed early, bring some ear-plugs.
We really hope to have nice and warm weather, but there are no airconditions. Some hotel rooms have a small balcony.
Please note: We can only offer a T-Shirt for you if you are registered until June 26th.
Of Course. Please send us a short Notice to t3dd@typo3.com if you want to come with your family. We try to get some together and then we want to offer a small family guidance for those days around.
For familyroom(double) there are special rates on the Akademie Hotel. Please check directly with the hotel.
Further questions? Please write an email to Sandra
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The Location
We have found an awsome location. If you want to book your accomodation, you'll find all the information here.
Premium Sponsors
T-Shirt Sponsors

Bitmotion GmbH
Social event Sponsors

Lanyard Sponsors

Value Sponsors

Michiel Roos
Room Sponsors

sitegeist media solutions GmbH

Browserwerk GmbH
Core Team Sponsors

NITSAN Technologies Pvt. Ltd.

sitegeist agile transformation GmbH

Medienagenten Stange & Ziegler OHG
Coffe Break Sponsors

internezzo ag

Die Netzmacher
Individual Sponsor

Pagemachine AG
Video Sponsor