Artus Kolanowski
Artus works as a software engineer since 2004 and is currently technical lead at Piccobello. Since 2013 TYPO3 is often a part of CMS solutions for medium-sized companies, for whose technical realization he is responsible.
In his spare time he enjoys sports, traveling or just chillin' in the company of freethinkers.
14:30 - 15:15
T03: Browserwerk GmbH
The Great Community Event

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Premium Sponsors
T-Shirt Sponsors

Bitmotion GmbH
Social event Sponsors

Lanyard Sponsors

Value Sponsors

Michiel Roos
Room Sponsors

sitegeist media solutions GmbH

Browserwerk GmbH
Core Team Sponsors

NITSAN Technologies Pvt. Ltd.

sitegeist agile transformation GmbH

Medienagenten Stange & Ziegler OHG
Coffe Break Sponsors

internezzo ag

Die Netzmacher
Individual Sponsor

Pagemachine AG
Video Sponsor